Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Enlightenment sabbatical day 4

Today, I went to the Science Centre to view all the illusion exhibits. The illusions were very eye catching, yet confusing to the eye. Take Kitaoka’s illusion for example. Her illusion consisted of many lines and squares. Although the lines are straight, the boxes are crooked, making the lines appear crooked. This illusion is called a distorting illusion. There are other forms of illusion as well. What interested me the most were the paradoxical illusions. These are illusions that are not really possible in real life. One extremely common one that everyone must have seen is an image of an elephant. If one were to look closer at it, he would notice that the legs are not connected to the feet. This is impossible, and therefore, a paradoxical illusion. I like these forms of illusions as the artist requires a lot of imagination and skill to create it. Another interesting form of illusion is an ambiguous illusion. These illusions show us an image at first glance and another at second glance. Usually, it is named after what is shown in the illusion. Rabbit or Duck; People talking or Vase are some of the common ones. Science Center trip was very interesting and enjoyable, the best thing was, the sabbatical sponsored the whole trip!

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