Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Enlightenment sabbatical day 5

Today was the last day of Sabbatical Week. Naturally, my mentors reserved the best for last: the spectrum of light. Firstly, we were taught on the different colours of light. Blue, red and green are the primary colours of light. It is a common mistake that yellow, instead of green, is the primary colour of light. However, this is a misunderstanding between the colours of light and paint. Two primary colours can be mixed to form a secondary colour. These include magenta, yellow and cyan. White light is formed when the three primary colours are mixed. Black colour, is the lack of light given off by an object. The experiment we did was to examine the colours obtained by spinning different patterns of black and white design on a spinning platform. I was wondering what could happen to a few black and white circles with weird patterns when I just spinned it for fun. To my amazement, many different colours started to appear out from the circles. Some gave out blue colour, some red, some all! The next experiment was about examining the effect of adding and subtracting colours. Basically, we used ray boxes and colour filters to mix colours together to form new colours. I am sad to say that this experiment was a complete failure. I was unable to create new colours as some filters were thicker than others, resulting in a higher of intensity of a certain colour. When I added blue with red, I got blue. Overall, I feel that I have learnt a lot. I also had more fun than my previous sabbatical last year. In the aspect of light, I have been elightened.

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